HERMENEGILDO SÁBAT: Essential Portraits
Curator: Cristina Santa Cruz
ZINK Salon Privé®, Buenos Aires, Argentina
From November 10 to December 23, 2022
OPENING WEEKEND: November 10, 11, 12, 2022
Exhibition by appointment

Lo bello y lo sublime, lo esencial
Por Julio María Sanguinetti
Immanuel Kant, muchos años antes de su monumental “Crítica de la razón pura”, escribió un pequeño ensayo dedicado a analizar cómo las cosas pueden recibirse de modo distinto según la sensibilidad de cada uno. Parte de la base de que, por ejemplo, la descripción de una tempestad en el mar o la representación pictórica del infierno por Milton, son sin duda sobrecogedoras, pero solo si se tiene sensibilidad para lo sublime, para aquello que, aunque hasta nos pueda atemorizar, nos impresiona por su grandeza, nobleza o profundidad. Bien distinto es observar un hermoso arroyuelo serpenteando un valle florido o la pintura del cinturón de Venus en Homero, para disfrutar de lo cual hay que poseer el sentimiento de lo bello, de lo agradable a los sentidos. La noche es sublime dice Kant, el día es bello. Lo sublime conmueve; lo bello complace.
Julio María Sanguinetti
©Julio María Sanguinetti, for Hermenegildo Sábat Essential Portraits at ZINK Salón Privé , ZINK creative industries. Reproduced with permission.
Montevideo, Uruguay. August, 2022
About the artist and his work
Hermenegildo Sábat (Montevideo 1933 – Buenos Aires 2018) was one of the most striking personalities in the culture of the Southern Cone. Resident in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina since 1966 and Argentine citizen since 1980, for 45 years his journalistic comments in the form of cartoons were published in the main Buenos Aires morning newspaper Clarín, becoming especially in periods in which freedom of expression was seriously viewed. limited, in one of the most prestigious voices.

Plastic artist and teacher, he published twenty books about his passions: painting, music, literature, Argentine and international news. His career was distinguished with several important awards, including Emeritus Personality of Argentine Culture (Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación 1997), the María Moors Cabot Award (Journalism, Columbia University, New York 1988) and the Pedro Figari National Prize for Painting. (Montevideo 1997). In 2005 he received the Tribute Award from the New Ibero-American Journalism Foundation directed by Gabriel García Márquez.
He held numerous exhibitions of drawing, painting and photography in Argentina and abroad, the most notable being his retrospectives at the National Museum of Fine Arts (Buenos Aires 1997), the National Museum of Visual Arts (Montevideo l998), the Museum of Art of São Paulo (1984) and the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (1997).
His works were published in several of the main journalistic and graphic media in the world: The New York Times , L'Express , American Heritage , Punch , O Globo , etc. For six years he published and edited the Visual Arts magazine Servicio Aurea, winner of several design awards, including that of the Art Director's Club of New York .
In 1997 he was named Illustrious Citizen of Buenos Aires . In 2003 he was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Montevideo , Uruguay. He directed the Visual Arts Foundation from 1986 until his death.